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Welcome to the Upper Cape Ski and Sports club 

A club for travelers and adventurers
  • How do I become a member?
Click on the "Member Application" link at the top and submit the necessary form and payment.
  • What is included in the membership?

As a paid member in good standing, you have access to all trips and events offered by the Upper Cape Ski & Sports Club.  You are also permitted to attend designated inter-club activities with other clubs or businesses we may be affliated with..

  • Do I have to be a member to go on trips?

Yes and No. Day trips are open to the public.  You need not be a member to sign up.  However, non-members are charged a $15 fee for each trip they attend.  This fee does not accumulate to membership.  All multi-day trips (weekend, week-long, etc) require membership before signing up.  Again, because of club policies, minors cannot join and therefore will not be charged the non-member fee.  Minors are also welcome on multi-day trips as long as accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a member. .

  • Do I need to be a good skier to be a member or to go on trips?

Not at all.  In fact, we have had many first-timers on our trips.  If you have never skied before, the trip leader can sign you up for rentals and a lesson where you will learn how to ski.  Try it once and you’re hooked!  The club is also a great way for skiers of all abilities to improve your skills.  If you so desire, the trip leader can match you up with someone of your ability.

  • How old must you be to join?

You must be 18 years of age or older to join the club. 

  • Do I need to own my own skis to be a member or to attend trips?

Of course not!  Many of the club members rent skis each and every time they go on a trip.  You can rent skis locally or ask the trip leader about rentals at the mountain.

  • Does the club do anything besides skiing?

The Upper Cape Ski & Sports Club is always looking into various activities.  We currently have numerous non-skiing activities that we offer throughout the year.  Furthermore, the club and its members are always looking for more activities to participate in.  If you have any ideas, please let us know.  See our Winter or Summer calendar pages for what is happening.

  • When and where does the club meet?

The Upper Cape Ski Club meets on the First Thursday of every month (October through April) at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Monument Beach Sportsmans Club, 199 MacArthur Blvd in Bourne, MA

  • Are club meetings open to the public?

Yes!  We encourage the public to attend our meetings. There is a limit of 2 meetings to unpaid members before you need to become a paid member. There is no pressure to join.  Club members are encouraged to attend Board of Directors meetings.  However, only members of the Board hold voting rights.  BoD meetings are open to paid members but not unpaid members.

  • How do I sign up for a day trip?

Select the trip you wish to attend from the Events page.  Complete the registration page found in the event details.  Keep in mind the departure time listed is the actual time of departure.  You must arrive on time or be left behind.  Day trips, when offered,  must have 15 paid people or it will be cancelled.  Sign up early via our website so trip leaders can confirm trip status.

  • There is a debit in my account for something which I believe I paid for.      If you paid by check then please send the Treasurer an email asking for your account to be updated. Occasionally we miss may something.   Please refer to the event and amount you paid in your email.  The Treasurers email is:                                                                                       
  • I mailed a check but I don't see anything posted to my account? It takes about 3 days after we receive your check for us to post it. If after that time you still do not see activity then please contact the Treasurer.    
  • What is included in the trip fee?

Our day trips include a bus trip to and from the mountain, doughnuts on the bus, one all day, all-mountain lift ticket, sometimes a movie on the bus ride home, and an opportunity for fun and friendship.  Multi-day trips vary – please contact trip leader or our website for details.

  • Can I go on a day trip alone?

Yes!  Many members are single, or go on trips alone.  It is a great way to make new friends and skiing buddies.  Don’t be shy!  If you don’t know anyone on the bus, just speak up!  Friendliness and courtesy is one of our club’s greatest qualities.

 Can I bring a minor (family or friend) on trips?

Of course!  However, you must be aware of several things.  First, you are responsible for the minor regardless of relationship.  Second, bus trips include a movie.  This movie may not be appropriate for the child – be forewarned.  Third, it is a sad fact of life that most outdoor enthusiasts enjoy an alcoholic beverage (or two).  Please make sure the minor has an understanding of this and is not offended by such activites.  Minors will need to bring a liability form completed by a parent or legal guardian. 

  • Does the minor pay the same rate for day trips?  Must he (she) be a member?

Club Policies state that anyone under 18 can’t join our club.  Because of this, they are never charged a non-member surcharge.  Minors are charged the standard member rate for that day trip.

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