Association By-Laws
Revised November 2001
- 1.1 The name of the Association shall be the UPPER CAPE SKI & SPORTS CLUB.
- 2.1 The Association shall be a non-profit organization dedicated to providing organized skiing and sporting activities for its members and participants. It shall be an organization for twenty-one (21) years and older adult residents of the area interested in outdoor sports. It will organize and promote group outings for the benefits of its members and their guests, and will generally do all things in accordance with Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws. All activities of the Association will be limited to those specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Add later if needed: there will be no inurnment to members of the Association and the substantial parts of the Associations activities shall be legislative in nature.)
- 3.1 Minimum age for membership is 18 years of age. Members are required to obey all applicable state, federal, and international laws while involved in club sanctioned events, including those regarding the consumption of alcohol.
- 3.2 Memberships will be granted only on an individual basis.
- 3.3 Only those members whose dues are current, and are in good standing shall be voting members.
- 4.1 Annual dues will be set by the Executive Committee each year, and approved by the majority of members present at the annual membership meeting on the first Thursday in October.
- 4.2 The annual membership of the Association shall run from October 1 through September 30.
- 5.1 The officers of the Association shall be members in good standing and shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
- 5.2 Officers shall be nominated at the annual meeting on the first Thursday in October and elections held on the first Thursday in November.
- 5.3 Elected officers shall hold office for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three consecutive years, and shall take office immediately following the meeting at which elected.
- 5.4 A vacancy in any position may be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
- 5.5 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint all committees other than the Executive Committee.
- 5.6 The Vice-President, in absence of the President, shall have the same powers as the President and shall perform those duties.
- 5.7 The Treasurer shall:
•5.7.1 Collect all monies payable to the Association and expend same under the direction of the Executive Committee.
•5.7.2 Deposit in a local bank all monies in a checking account under the name “Upper Cape Ski & Sports club.”
•5.7.3 Keep a record of all transactions with proper receipts and statements.
•5.7.4 Present a financial statement of the Association at all meetings of the Association and at such other times as requested by the President.
•5.7.5 A member of the Executive Committee will serve a dual role as Assistant Treasurer, who will fulfill the duties of Treasurer in the Treasurers absence, and have full access to financial information at all times.
•5.8.1 Keep a record of all meetings of the Association.
•5.8.2 Be Secretary of the Executive Committee and notify all members whenever a meeting of the same shall be held.
•5.8.3 Conduct all correspondence.
•5.8.4 Notify each member as to the time and place of the annual meeting and any special meeting.
•5.8.5 Furnish voting members with copies of the minutes of the Executive committee meetings in a timely fashion, upon written request.
- 6.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association, five members at large appointed by the present members of the Executive Committee, and the Chairman of the Standing Committee.
- 6.2 The Executive Committee shall meet at its discretion and a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum at each meeting. Committee members must attend a majority of the meetings and cannot be absent for three consecutive meetings. If this happens they may be replaced.
- 6.3 The Executive Committee shall have general supervision over the Association, promote and aid in setting up all activities, make appointments to fill any vacancies occurring among the members of the Executive committee, and shall appoint an auditor on an annual basis.
- 7.1 The Standing Committees shall be as follows:
•7.1.1 Newsletter Committee: publish the monthly newsletter.
•7.1.2 Publicity Committee: get what we do into the local media.
•7.1.3 Membership Committee: find ways to increase the membership
•7.1.4 Social Committee: arrange and conduct all social activities.
•7.1.5 Meeting Committee: plan and organize all membership meetings.
•7.1.6 Program Committee: plan and organize all Association trips including getting prices. Be the Association contact for all trip activities.
•7.1.7 Nominating Committee: solicit nominations for club officers and make sure they are published in the notice of the annual meeting.
- 8.1 ANNUAL MEETING: the members shall hold their meeting on the first Thursday in October to receive reports covering the current year from the Association officers and Committee chairpersons, nominate the officers for the ensuing year, and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. Written notice of such meeting shall be sent to current members at least 10 days before the time set for the meeting. Voting at such meetings shall be only by paid members in good standing.
- 8.2 SPECIAL MEETINGS: special meetings of the members may be held when called by the Executive Committee, or when requested in writing addressed to the Executive Committee by at least twenty (20) members. In both cases, notice of the special meeting shall be mailed to the membership by the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the meeting. The notice shall state the purpose for the meeting.
- 9.1 These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any annual or special meeting of the members where there is a quorum as provided in Article VIII (MEETINGS), provided that the proposed amendment or amendments be stated in full in the notice of the meeting.
- 10.1 The Executive Committee shall augment these by-laws with a published set of rules and regulations pertaining to the general operation of the Association. Rules and regulations adopted by the Committee shall remain in effect until amended or rescinded.
- 11.1 Officers may be removed for cause by a vote of three-quarters (3.4) of the attending members at a special meeting called for that purpose.
This page was last updated 9/27/2007. See above for By-Laws revision date.